Today was a busy day. This morning I tried to box up the presents I am sending to my family. The red present with the snowman paper, for my 5 yr old neice, was too big for any of the boxes I had on hand. Since I already had to run errands to pick up reindeer pop supplies and stocking stuffers, I also made a stop at the UPS store. I found out why I dont like to buy boxes. They are EXPENSIVE. I paid $9 plus tax just for the box. I took it back home, and luckily everything fit with just a little room to spare. When I went back to ship the box, I paid even more than the cost of several of the presents. Remind me next year to send much smaller gifts or gift cards if I am not able to be there in person. LOL! I do like sending actual presents, especially for my neices and nephew.

Tonight we made 42 new reindeer pops. 32 for the class party, 4 for her friends had lunch and 6 lopsided pops for us to keep at home. The pop in the picure was an oops pop. We didnt notice right away that the M & was the wrong side up.
Ready for the class party!
Kara also had to get together her present for her teacher. I am very proud of her. She handmade part of her present.
She painted the snowman mug. She added 2 of the cocoa mixes, candy canes, marshmellows and kisses. She added in a journal, notepad, and pencils with a cute design.
We also made the ornament this past weekend. We still need to make some more before I post the tutorial.
What I think the teacher will like most of all is the personal handwritten note from my daughter telling her she is the Best Teacher Ever! She has really liked her teachers through the years, so that is saying a lot.
She is actually excited to go to school tomorrow, because it is dress up like a baby/old person day, they are having a read in, watching a Christmas video, the class party, and then she is having a sleepover. Quite a fun day!
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