Nothing throws off your entire day like unexpected bad weather. This morning when my kids went to school, it was absolutely gorgeous out. When I picked up my oldest after her class, it was dark, dreary, and lightly raining. We made at trip to Target to do some shopping. By the time everything was put away, it was time for my other two to come home from school. They had been home only 10 minutes when an alarm on my phone started to go off. There was a tornado warning in our area. It did not look that bad out, and the weatherman had not broken in to the Ellen show yet. I was kind of confused on what was going on for about 30 seconds. Just then the sirens started going off, and the weatherman on TV broke in to say that radar had picked up possible tornadic activity, and it was heading our way. That was at about 3:10. Luckily we have a TV in the basement, because they then announced that the warning was until 4:15. Kyle was not happy. He does not like to eat lunch at school, and he had not had his after school snack yet. The kids played games, and we waited. Kyle was counting down the minutes. We were waiting for the all clear. Instead of being told everything is okay, my phone started going off again, and we hard more sirens outside. Seems there was a second cell heading our way, and we were now under a warning until 5 p.m. We were finally freed from the basement, a little after 5. My kids were lucky. There were many kids who were still at school and on the bus, that had to shelter in place. Most of them did not get home until dinner time.
So after all that craziness this mom is thinking it is a good time for something sweet to de-stress. This banana split dessert by Patti of A Plate at My Table would be a perfect choice. There is even an optional alcohol version if you it would like. It has everything you love from a real banana split in a dessert that you can share with all of your friends. Be sure to stop over and check out this yummy recipe. Thank you so much Patti for linking up this great recipe to Dare to Share!
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