Friday, August 2, 2013

Back to School Vase - Feature of the Day

We still have a month before we got back to school here is Michigan.  I am grateful for that, because I really love having my kids home for the summer. It is so much easier on all of us, and we get a lot more sleep. I know though, many other areas of the country go back much earlier.  One of Kara's good friends that lives in Tennessee goes back to school next week!  That just seems so early!  Even though I am trying hard not to think about going back to school just yet, I think this is a perfect time to feature this crayon vase from Claire of  A Little Clarification. Most stores have their school supplies on sale right now, and you can pick up some crayons super cheap.  It would make a nice, thoughtful gift for your kids to take to their new teacher on Meet the Teacher Night.  Thanks so much for linking up on Dare to Share Claire! 

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