Well today my state became one of the many states who has an order to stay home, and shelter in place for at least 3 weeks. We have been expecting it, and I was already planning this post when we got to news. While you are spending so much time at home, here are 17 ideas you can do to pass the time.
Try some new recipes
Now is the perfect time to actually spend some time in the kitchen making meals for your family with many restaurants closed. Get the entire family involved. If the kids are old enough encourage them to try and make some recipes too. Some of my families favorite recipes are Pepperoni Pizza Casserole, Zucchini Spaghetti, and Pizza Pasta Salad
Make a Craft

Since everyone is at home using toilet paper and paper towels, you probably have a lot of cardboard tubes on hand. One of my favorite crafts that my daughter made was this Rainbow Flower. It was for an upcycle project when she was in the 6th grade. I will be sharing many more crafts for kids ideas in the comings weeks. Be sure to save those cardboard tubes!
Tackle a Project
Now is the perfect time to tackle that home project that you have been avoiding or not had time to do. Paint a room, clean the garage or basement, clean the windows etc..
Read Books, Start a Virtual Book Club
I listed several resources where you can find free books online in my recent post Long List of Free Resources While You Self Isolate. Find a few friends who also like to read and get together online for a book club on sites such as Zoom, Messenger, or Skype.
Learn something new
I have been seeing several free classes you can take online, so now is the time to try new things. Here are just a few of what I have found. Art, Fitness and Wellness, Cooking, More Cooking , Photography and even the Weather.
Take Virtual Tours
Many places closed to the public such as museums, zoos and even Disneyland are offering free virtual tours. I posted several links on the free resource post here. Want to see something not on the list, do a search on You Tube and see what other virtual tours might be offered.
Stay Connected with Friends
Now is the perfect time to check in on friends and family since almost everyone is home. Make that phone call, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, and even Netflix Party.
Organize your Space
Now is the time to clean your closets, tackle old paperwork, and declutter. You can find a lot inspiration on Facebook, and YouTube.
Train/Play with your pets
Remember the puppy I mentioned a few weeks ago. She is now almost 3 months old and learning all kinds of new things. She is very happy about the shut down.
Yard work
While it is not quite warm enough to do much yet where I live, you are allowed to be outside as long as you are social distancing. Now might be a good time to catch up on projects outside your home too. Since the kids are home from school, you will have some extra hands.
Catch up on your favorite shows and movies
Personally I save a lot of shows to watch later, and I don't always get around to doing it. With streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+, now is the time to binge watch and catch up without the guilt.
Journal about your experience
I saw something on Facebook recently suggesting having the kids journal what they are experiencing right now. I thought that was a great idea and I have started doing this myself too. We are going through something that we have not seen before, and some day will can share our stories with future
Have a family party or date
One of my memorable anniversaries was the year when my kids were little, and we did not have a sitter. We dressed up, I cooked something special, and then the two of us ate a romantic dinner by ourselves together at the kitchen table. Not only do I remember it years later, it saved a lot of money. If you want to get the kids involved make it a theme night. I have several party ideas that I will be sharing soon that you can do at home as a family.
Have a spa day
Now you will have time to enjoy a bubble bath. Take the time to have manicures and pedicures with your kids. Spend some time pampering yourself that you normally don't get to do with a busy schedule.
Play/Game Nights
Spend time as a family doing puzzles, playing games in person and virtually. I recently heard there is a Hogwarts Virtual Escape Room that you can do online. I have always wanted to do a real Escape Room, I just wish I knew about Harry Potter to try this one.
Go Through Pictures
Remember back before all of our pictures were taken digitally? Bring out that box of pics from the back of the closet and put them in albums. If you used to scrapbook but did not have the time to keep up, now you do. (I am guilty of this one!)
Be Creative
Think outside of the box! I recently saw this amazing YouTube Video of family who make a Homemade Pirates of the Caribbean Ride. Not only did they make fantastic memories, they had a lot of fun as a family and made the best of not so fun circumstances.
A great list to refer to when I run out of ideas for the kids!