Friday, February 4, 2011

Countdown to the Super Bowl

The big game is only 2 days away.  Are you ready?   Here are some last minute ideas for your party.

A great centerpiece for your table is the football cake above.  You can find the recipe for that here.
The table runner in the picture above is from a party store, but you can make something similar for very little money.  All you need is a green table cover from the dollar store and some white tape.  Use the tape to make yardage lines. 
Goalposts on the all serve a dual purpose.  Not only do they make your house look more festive,  you can use them to play a game of get the ball thru the goalpost.  (like pin the tail)    You can see instruction on this game here. Football;15

A fun way to remember who attended your party is to make a jersy of colored paper (in your team colors)  and place it in an area where everyone can sign it.  I have done something similar to this at my kids parties and they are always fun to look back on. 
You can customize these cupcakes in your favorite teams colors. Treats;4

For a fun video of some of the best food from Pittsburg and Green Bay on the Today Show, check out the link here..

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