If you saw my Dare to Share Party post that I shared on Friday, you saw that this past weekend was my birthday. What I am not sure I mentioned is it was also my boyfriend's birthday just a couple of days before mine. We love celebrating our birthdays together. It was such a great weekend, I thought I would share more about it in a stand alone post.
You may see me mention going to a Friday night dance with my friends in some of my Dare to Share posts. This weekend was the annual Halloween Dance. It is usually the largest attended dance of the year, which was definitely true this year.
My friends and I were color coordinated, but did not realize it until we saw the pictures. LOL! This year I was Little Red Riding Hood. I did not know it was going to be such a popular costume this year. There were five of us wearing a version of Red Riding Hood.
Last year my boyfriend and I went as Beauty and the Beast. I loved my dress, but it was really hard to dance in because it was way too long for me. We did win 2nd place in the couples costume contest though.
This year, once I found my Little Red Riding Hood costume, we were trying to find a wolf costume for him. It turns out there are not that many out there that are not very expensive, or too hot to dance in. At the last minute we found a sloth costume at Walmart. It wasn't his favorite costume ever, but it was easy to wear, and most people thought he was a wolf anyway. 😄
Another tradition we do every year is have a Sushi dinner on our birthday weekend. We were staying at a friend's house, and not near our usual go to restaurant. We tried a place that was new to us, and it was delicious!
The next day, we stopped and had our annual Birthday Party shakes. These shakes are way over the top, but so much fun.
I also had time to visit with my now grown kids. I had my free Red Robin birthday meal for lunch, and then we went to a local cider mill. We thought skeleton wagon was really cool. Did you notice the baby skeleton? I missed it at first.
On Halloween night, I went trick or treating with my bonus daughter. I got a walking tour of around the neighborhood. There were a few houses here that go all out. Even though I am not a fan of scary stuff, this house was definitely my favorite.
Hopefully you had a fantastic Halloween too!
Now I am going to share something with you that is definitely a TREAT, and not a trick. Do you remember when I mentioned the Gold City Venture E-Printables Course in my Dare to Share Post, well they opened their doors to the course today for a limited time. (Nov 2- Nov 7)
If you would like to know more about printables, without jumping right in to the course, they have a free Ebook, and free workshop where you can learn more. Tomorrow I will be sharing another creating resource that I am very excited about.
A very nice Halloween.