
Monday, July 16, 2012

A Day at the Zoo!

My mom is here!  She came in very late last night.  Since she was supposed to come in around 11 p.m., we decided to spend some time enjoying the sites of Toledo.   We love the Toledo Zoo, and had a great time.  I just wish it wasn't 90+ degrees while were there.  It was so hot, many of the animals were hiding and sleeping. On the plus side, the zoo was not that crowded.

This picture is so cool.  Not only did a get a really cool shot of the polar bear swimming toward the glass, I also accidently took a self portrait with my reflection in the glass.

They added a new exhibit this year called Tembo Trail.  They enlarged the elephant exhibit, and now visitors have a much closer view.  This elephant as fanning himself with his ears, and I just happened to take this shot when his ears were out.

Giant ice cream cones for only $2.10!!  Ice cream on a super hot day, yes please!!

It was dinner time, and they were enjoying a meal.

Kara took this picture. She was trying to take pictures of the new baby lemur. They would stay still long enough to get a picture that wasn't blurry.

The alpha gorilla posing near the wall

After the zoo, we had a few more hours to wait before picking up grandma.  We drive about 15 miles to the Fossil Park.

The kids really enjoyed digging for fossils.  This kept them busy for over an hour!

Some of our many finds.

We got to the station an hour and a half early, and her train was an hour and a half late.  Ugh! We were not really prepared for such a long wait, and there wasn't much to do at the station.  After awhile it was hard listening  to... Hooooooooow muuuuuuuuccccchhhh looooooonnnnngggggger!    We were never so happy to see a train come into a station.  Since we had a bit of a drive back, we didn't get in until 2 a.m!!

Today we rested, and started some more party work.  We got the rest of our supplies and will be doing some major crafting tomorrow.  4 1/2 more days to the party!

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