
Monday, April 23, 2012

A little bit of this..

I realized that I had several things to update and thought I would take a couple of minutes today to do so..

For those of you wondering how our growing experiment was working.  I am happy to say at one week, we do have a few seedlings.  Most are of the containers did not have changes (yet!) but in the cauliflower and the zinna containers, this is what I saw.  

I am now 1 month into my Countdown to Summer Slimdown.   Unfortunately the first month of my journey was a complete failure.  Not only did I not lose any weight but I GAINED 3 pounds. Ugh! I am sure that eating all that  Easter candy the last few weeks have not helped at all.   I am going to be starting a new program with my oldest daughter shortly and will explain more when that time comes.

On a positive note, we are now the proud owners of a new laptop.  I know I briefly mentioned that our old desk top bit the dust around Easter time.  We were down to one laptop that my daughter needed for school and a netbook that did not work that well all the time.  We got another laptop this morning and I LOVE IT.   I am also only about $100 away from a new IPad. I have been saving some money for a few months and now that IPad 2s dropped in price, almost there.

We are going to the Drs office later this morning.  Kara has not been feeling well the last couple of days and this morning said her throat hurt so bad it was hard to swallow.   It's weird to say that I am actually hoping for strep and not a relapse of her mono.  I guess we will find out shortly.


  1. Hope Kara feels better, great that your seedlings have started to pop up, Yay a new laptop i know how you feel, I got a new laptop in the summer from my kiddies and I love having my own. I know about the weight thing, I was on weight watchers did really good, went to curves, but then something happened, lost 25 lbs, and then gained about 15 back, I am on a mission to lose all of that again, and more.Good luck.

  2. Thanks Pamela... the strep test was positive. Hopefully a day or two of meds will have her feeling 100% again.


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