
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Fun

So did everyone survive the the candy rush?   We had a great time, and I am still recovering.  Of course, first thing this morning, I was on the go again.    I was helping  my daughter's teacher in her World Language class.  It was craft day, and she was teaching about Day of the Dead  (Spanish) and All Saints Day (French).  The World Language class is every other day, and it was just a fun coincedence that craft day landed on the actual holiday. 

The picture above is my entryway that trick or treaters saw when they came to our home.  Last year I had tea lights in all the pumpkins on the stairs which made them glow.  Unfortunately they were sold out of the tea lights at my Dollar Tree when I was looking for them.  I put in glow sticks, but they just didnt look the same thing.   The lights on the banister, and the plug in pumpkins on the landing did give the entryway a nice glow. 

I finally finished Kara's fox costume at 1 pm, so now I can post part 3 of my tutorial.  I know it is too late for this year, but maybe it will inspire ideas for next year.    We got a lot of great comments on this costume.  She will most likely wear it in Halloween festival costume contest next year. 

Kyle was easy on me this year.  I did not have to make him a costume, but his creativity was still flowing.  He was a Ninja Vampire.  He put two costumes together.  He is not in full costume in this pic.  I wanted to show my older daughters costume.  She was Dexter, from the old Dexter cartoon.  If you dont remember it,  Dexter was a boy genius who had a science lab in his room.  He has a sister named Dee Dee, who always wore a tutu.  Dexter had all sorts of crazy  plans, but Dee Dee always seemed to become involved and they never turned out the way he wanted.    I thought the costume was a good idea, because she was totally covered up and warm!

Since I am always the one who takes the kids out trick or treating, I like to dress up too.  This year I saw a really cute tulle cape costume in a magazine, that was easy and inexpensive to make. Tulle was on sale recently at Jo Anns for only .74 a yard.  For only about $6, I had my tulle cape.  I also liked the fact I could wear white sweats and stay nice and warm.

My husband gives out the candy every year.  I was a bit amazed when I got home, and he told me that he gave out all of it.  I had a total of 11 bags!   We had so many kids stop by  this year.   

Normally I have lots of left over candy to eat.. It doesn't look like that is the case  this year.  A measly 4 pieces is all that is left.  I guess I will have to raid my kids candy bags.  In a few days, they are not going to notice anyway.  :)  I hope you had a great Halloween!

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