The location where the house had tipped over, also happened to be where Kara stored a lot of her toys. To say she is a bit messy might be an understatement. I like to refer to her corner in the family room as her squirrels nest. She started pulling everything out to the middle of the floor desparately searching for Shellie. To add to her concern, our 3 cats were helping in the search. During all of the chaos, I had to get her brother to school. She was supposed to be getting ready but said there was no way she could go to school until she found Shellie. Shellie was finally found about 5 minutes after the bus had already gone by. This meant she had to quickly get ready and I would have to drive her to school and deal with school drop off traffic.. Blech.
She got ready very quickly, and we made it to school just in time. As we pulled into the parking lot, we saw the donut table by the front door with pick your team color donuts. We live in Michigan, and this weekend is the Michigan vs Michigan State football match up. We live within an hour of both of these schools, and you can imagine, this means the entire area has gone football crazy. Now I really love college football, but I have a problem with the whole wear your favorite Michigan school color day. You see I am a BUCKEYE! I grew up in Ohio and actually graduated from OSU.
It is hard to be a Buckeye and live so close to those Michigan schools. I am so proud of my daughter today though, she asked to wear my Ohio State jersey! Instead of wearing green and white or maize and blue, she wore scarlet and gray to show where her loyalty was. She was the only person wearing red in a sea of green and blue clothes. Maybe someday she will take her spot as a 3rd generation OSU alum. I did go ahead and buy her a pick your team donut. I chose a green and white one, because it is the lesser of two evils. LOL!
When I got back home, I tried to work on the blog, but my computer was acting up. Every time I tried to do something, it would freeze up. After 30 mins of frustration, I decided to take a shower and get dressed. Today I volunteered in the school library. I ate lunch with Kara and her friends, and the lunchroom was crazier than normal. At one point the school janitor walked into the cafeteria wearing a homemade Spartan costume. The kids went nuts with cheers and jeers. I have to admit it was a lot of fun, and I only got a few comments on my Ohio State sweatshirt. One kid who I know from our old school, also loves the Buckeyes. He was happy to see it, and yelled Go Bucks! As I was leaving one of the janitors told me I was brave to wear it on that day. I told him that I was not worried and I wore it to support my fellow buckeye daughter. The 5th and 6th graders were actually great about it. The only kids who gave me any grief were ones who knew me well.
I then went to Costco with a friend. I have no idea what was going on today, but it seemed like it was the day before Christmas in the store. The place was PACKED. I could not figure out why a random Friday in Oct, seemed like it was the day before a holiday. I helped my friend find her items, while working our way through the maze of carts. By the time we finally were able to leave the store, it was time to pick up my kids from school.
I feel tired from this crazy day, when in reality I didn't really do much. So days there is just too much excitement to get much done.
Another great story! You are one busy girl:-)