
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fabulous Fair Food

Around the country, it is time for the county fair.  Our fair is coming up at the end of the month and I plan on going.   One thing I love about the fair is the food.   While it might not be the healthiest, it sure tastes great.    I was excited when I saw on that they had the recipes to some of our favorites.  My kids love corn dogs but we do not have them often because I did not know how to make them.   We occasionally buy a box in the freezer section when its on sale, but I would think a homemade version would taste even better.  You can see the recipe on how to make a corn dog here.

While it is easy to make regular corn on the cob,  it more fun and easier to hold when its on a stick.  You can see the their recipe for corn on a stick here.
Buying a cool slush treat is also fun while at the fair.  This one is made from watermelon.  You can see this recipe here.

Don't forget the elephant ears.  I found a recipe to make a quick and easy version at home on

1 comment:

  1. Love fair food. My sistrer does elephant ears and they are so good. My favorite is a candy apploe. . Just after have one every year.



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