
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Easy Halloween Gnome DIY

Gnomes can be very easy, and inexpensive to make, and there are a lot of different ways you can make a gnome. The way I am going to show you today, all you will need is a few items from the Dollar Tree and a glue gun. 

Another thing nice about this craft is you can easily change out the gnome hat for each holiday or season with different fabric.  I used Halloween fabric for this tutorial, but Dollar Tree has so many cute patterns available throughout the entire year.  

** This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links

The items you will need are: 

  • Dollar Tree styrofoam craft pumpkin  - they are  available in orange, white and black in store and online.  You can currently buy the orange and white pumpkin in smaller quantities of only 4 on their website.  Another cool thing is when you order online, you can often have your order shipped free to your local store.

string mop head
  • Crafters Square fabric cuts -  you probably wont need to buy this in bulk, but you can see some of the fun Halloween prints available this year with the link.

  • wooden beads - Dollar Tree has beads available in all shapes in sizes that would be great for gnome noses. 

The first thing I like to start with when making my gnomes is the beard.  You will need to pull out 16 strands from the mop and lay them on a flat surface, 

Cut each strand in four pieces.  The easiest way to do that evenly is to cut the strand in half, and then cut each half into half.  You should end up with 64 pieces each about 4 inches long. 

With your glue gun start gluing the pieces at the top of the pumpkin. The strands will be longer than the pumpkin. Glue them as close together as you can if you do not want the pumpkin to show underneath. 

Continue gluing on strands until they cover the half of the pumpkin.  

After you have all the strands attached to the pumpkin, the next step is to pull out the stem.  The reason why you want to remove the stem is so the cone will lay flat on the pumpkin in the next step.

Glue the cones on the top of the pumpkins. 

 After the cone is in place it is time to make the hat.  Fold the fabric into a triangle shape, and cut to the size you would like for your gnome.  The smaller the triangle, the smaller the hat.  I made mine a little bit on the bigger side.  

With  the right side of the fabric on the inside, glue the edges of the flat side of the triangle together.  (you can also sew this edge if you do not want to use glue). Once the glue has cooled, turn the fabric right side out.  

Place the hat over the cone and adjust it so it looks something like this.  You can glue the hat in place, but if you plan on changing out the hat for different seasons, you may want to use a small push pins to hold it place. Once you have the hat in place, glue on the nose.    I named this gnome Trick because I used the fabric with scary jack-o-lanterns. 

I named this gnome Treat because of the candy corn on his hat. 

Trick and Treat 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

It's Dare to Share Saturday!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

Have you been affected by crazy weather this week?  I am currently visiting my family and friends in Michigan this weekend.  In the last two days Michigan has experienced several tornados.  My kids who are in Michigan live over an hour apart and both of them had one of the tornadoes in their areas. (both are okay)   There is a lot of damage around the state, power outages, and a lot of clean up to do. One of the main highways near where I used to live has been closed for over a day now because over 20 vehicles (semis and cars) were affected by at least one of the tornados. There have been some deaths and major injuries in a few locations. I will found out more about the damage this weekend during my visit.  

In addition to working at the preschool/daycare, and my Etsy Shop, I have also started helping a friend with her bakery.  We have a few events and markets coming up in the next few months.  This week we were asked to make Devil Fruit Cakes for a birthday party.  Neither one of us knew much about Devil Fruit cakes, but I did some research and was able to learn enough that we were able to make a few of them.  Here is a few of the cakes in progress.  I am planning on sharing more about them in a blog post. 

Since it is really late right now, I want to get this party started.  

I would love to see what you have been up to this week, so link up and HAVE FUN! 



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Friday, August 18, 2023

Dare to Share Saturday Party!

It is Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare To Share! 

Whew!!! I am so glad that it is Friday! We had another extra busy week at work, so I am ready for the fun we have planned for the weekend. I am also very excited about my Dollar Tree finds this week. I have been searching for this Candy Shop sign, and another adorable sign at Dollar Tree (Plus) for weeks.  If you are interested in seeing all of my Halloween finds and hauls, you can see them over on my Instagram page. 

I am still working on my new Halloween listings over in my Etsy Shop. I had a lot of fun making my Truth or Scare Game which is live now.  I will also been adding a few new Scavenger Hunts in the next few days.  :) 

I have a few blog posts in the works, and if work cooperates, I hope to have them up next week. 

Now that you know what I have been up to this week, I want to see what you have been up to, so link up and HAVE FUN!! 


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Friday, August 11, 2023

Let's Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

This is not my dog, but isn't she adorable?!  I saw her last night while I was helping a friend at an outdoor market.  It was the best part of a very long busy day. We got to sit for a few hours in great weather, and meet nice people and cute dogs.  Do you ever notice that when you are busy everything happens all at the same time.  After a busier week than normal this week, we also have an extremely busy, but FUN weekend planned.  We are going to a friend's birthday party, a big celebration in our home town, and also a festival in our current home town.  Tonight we went to order D's father of the bride suit for his daughter's wedding, and then we took his daughter and her fiancĂ© out to dinner.  The next few weeks will be busy with wedding prep as well.  

Since Dollar Tree already has their Halloween craft items in the store, I shared a post called Dollar Tree Pumpkin Crafts.  For years I have made themed pumpkins and you can see them with directions in the post. 

I have an new Halloween game listing thisclose to being posted in my Etsy Shop .  I was trying to finish up the listing tonight, buy my computer kept freezing. It will be up tomorrow or Sunday.  

Now that you know what I have been up to this week, I would love to see what you have been up to.  Link up to the Dare to Share Party and HAVE FUN! 


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Dollar Tree Pumpkin Crafts

It's been a busy week, but I still  wanted to share a new post this week.  Mid August is such a weird time. It's still summer, but fall is just around the corner. Its 80s degrees, but I'm so excited about football season.  There are people who refuse to start thinking of Halloween, and others who were ready to decorate yesterday.  I am one that does not want to summer to end, but I am also excited about all the Halloween items in the stores. I have already started picking up items to put out in about a month or so.  

** This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Since the Dollar Tree craft pumpkins are back in orange, white, and black,  I thought it would be a good time to post about my pumpkin gang again.  If you are not able to find the pumpkins in stores, they are currently available on the Dollar Tree website in quantities of only 4!!  You can also have them shipped to your local store for FREE

For the last several years, I have used Dollar Tree pumpkins to create different pumpkin characters that I like to call the Pumpkin Gang.  There were a few years when I lived in apartment that I did not have the room to put them out. Now that I am living in house again, I am so looking foward to decorating again this year.  If you would like to see how to make one of the pumpkins, I am linking to the post with directions under each photo.  

                                                                  Mummy Pumpkin


I have a few ideas on which pumpkins I would like to add this year.  I am not going to mention what they are yet, just in case it does not happen.  :)   Happy Crafting! 

Friday, August 4, 2023

It's Dare to Share Saturday!

 It's Friday night, and you know what that means..
It is time to Dare to Share! 

Welcome to August! Where has the summer has gone?  For many years, August meant that it is time to think about going back to school.  This is the first year that all of my own kids (and bonus kids) are no longer going back to school. I do have one  currently in college, but he goes year round and doesn't need me to buy him clothes and school supplies.  :)  I am teaching again this year, but it will look different than in years past. Instead of being a building sub in elementary, I am teaching toddlers with another teacher at the pre-school/daycare.  It will be a change, but I am looking forward to it.  Speaking of work though, one of the downsides of working with little ones, you are also exposed to a lot of germs.  I had to miss a couple of days of work this week because I caught some kind of virus. I am starting to feel on the mend, so all is good now.  

Last weekend while in Michigan, I had a great time with my family and friends.  One thing that we were able to do was visit German Park.  On the last Saturday of each month in the summer, they have a German festival with food, beer, music and dancing.  It is always a lot of fun and we try to go when we can. 

Do you remember when I shared about my viral Barbie post on Instagram?  Well it is still growing, but has slowed down some.  It is currently at 3.1 million views. WHAT?!!  Another Barbie Dollar Tree post is close to a half million.  Today I shared a reel about the gorgeous fall Walmart finds that are under a dollar.  If you make fall crafts, you definitely check them out.  If you would like to see my Dollar Tree and other fun finds be sure to follow me over on Instagram.    

I am still working on my new Halloween listings and hope to have them up in my shop soon.  I am sharing my Road Trip Scavenger Hunt Bundle from my Etsy Shop again, because the end of the summer is time to get those last minute road trips in before school starts.  If you have kids, printable games are a great way to keep them busy in the car. 
Now that I shared what I have been up to, I would love to see what you have been up to.  Link up and HAVE FUN!! 


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